Saturday, November 14, 2009

Crystal Cleansing and Charging

Crystal cleansing refers to more than just removing physical from the stones. From the perspective of crystals, it also means discharging the unwanted energy of the stones and restoring the unique vibrating energy of the stones. Every crystal possesses its own unique vibration which can be affected by the energies in its environment. It is therefore always important to fully cleanse any crystal before you start to use and become attuned with it.

Here are some methods that Ornate Oriental recommends to cleanse your crystal:

Running Water
Most crystals can be held under running water. Imagine a waterfall falling over your crystal until you feel that all the negative energies have been washed away. Please ensure that your crystal is not water-soluble before cleansing in this way. Most water-soluble crystals end in "ite", such as selenite, fluorite, calcite, angelite and sodalite. Lapis Lazuli is also water-soluble.

Sea Salt Bath
Salt absorbs and removes the negative energy from the crystals and is an effective cleansing agent. Using natural sea salt, put the crystal in a water-filled container to soak for 24 hours. Only use sea salt and not table salt as the latter is chemically processed. Sea salt can be easily purchased from aquariums. After that, rinse the crystal thoroughly with running water and make sure that all sea salt is completely removed. As with running water, please ensure that your crystal is not friable before using this method.

An ancient, traditional method is the use of a smudging stick or incense to cleanse crystals. After lighting the incense or smudge stick, hold the crystal in one hand and pass the stick up and down the length of the crystal in a spiral pattern. Be very careful not to burn yourself and ensure that the incense or smudge stick is properly extinguished after use. This method uses the energy of fire and the sacred scent of the smudge or incense to clear any unwanted energy.

Brown Rice
Use dry, uncooked, organic brown rice and fill a bowl large enough to accommodate your crystal. Gently bury the crystal in the rice and leave for 24 hours. Any negative energy will be absorbed into the rice. After cleansing, the brown rice should be carefully disposed of - most definitely not cooked and eaten or you will absorb all of the cleared negativity!

Leaving your crystals on a moonlit windowsill overnight can cleanse and charge them with the moon’s gentle energy. Both moonlight and sunlight can be used to cleanse your crystals. However, sunlight can fade some crystals, whereas moonlight is a powerful safe cleanser.

Other Crystals
Some crystals such as Clear Quartz, Carnelian and Selenite have the ability to cleanse other crystals. Amethyst and Citrine clusters are also useful in cleansing other crystals by drawing out their disharmonious energy. Simply place your crystal on top of the cluster and leave it overnight or place a Carnelian piece together with the crystal that needs to be cleansed overnight. This is an extremely useful method for delicate crystals.

It is important to continue cleansing and charging the crystal at regular intervals to maintain its purity and integrity. If your crystal looks dull, it may be that it has picked up and absorbed negative energy from the surrounding environment. Also, try not to let anyone touch your crystal as it will absorb that person's energy. If your crystal has been handled by someone else, do a cleansing to clear it of any absorbed negative energy.