Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rune Reading and Layouts

What is the best way to use your runes? That is up to you. Here are some common methods of using runes:

Method #1: With your runes in their pouch close your eyes, concentrate on what you want an answer for (past situation, present situation or future situation) and chose a rune from the bag as your answer.

Method #2: Gently toss the runes from the bag onto a soft surface and the runes while thinking of what you want an answer for (past situation, present situation or future situation) and the rune(s) that stand out the most to you is your answer.

Method #3: Lay the runes out in grid and let your hand pass over the runes slowly while concentrating on what you want an answer for (past situation, present situation or future situation). Use your left hand if you are right-handed and your right hand if you are left-handed. You will sense the rune that holds the answer to your question.

Method #4: With your eyes closed and while in a neutral state of mind draw three runes from the bag and line them up. The first rune is an answer to a past situation, the second one is an answer to a present situation and the last is an answer to a future situation.

Layouts in Readings

1. Two-Rune Draw

Using a method of your choice specified on the intro choose two runes and place them side-by-side. The two runes will either strengthen one another or oppose one another. If they are like-meaning they will assist each other in a supportive way for you. If they oppose one another it is considered a draw in most situations. In some situations is can represent what is wrong and what needs to happen for it to be fixed.

2. Three Norns

Rune far left: Norn Urd; the past- past actions & situations that relate to the question you asked
Rune middle: Norn Skuld; the future- what will likely happen to answer your question
Rune far right: Norn Verdandi; the present- what is influencing you right now

3. Triple-Rune Challenge

Rune bottom: the present- what influences you right now
Rune middle: upcoming challenges & what you must do
Rune top: what is likely to happen as a result of the challenge.

4. Four Dwarves

Rune top: Past desires related to the question (can also indicate ancestors past desires)
Rune right: Present desires & feelings related to the question
Rune left: Desires & feelings of others related to the question
Run bottom: Represents your heart's inner most, secret desires; if rune is positive this desire will manifest within 4 months

5. Five-Rune Layout

Rune bottom: Basic influences that impact the question
Rune far left: Problems that may influence the question
Rune top: Positives that may influence the question
Rune far right: Immediate answer to the question
Rune middle: Future influences to the question.

6. Runic Cross

Rune far left: Past situations
Rune beneath center: Present situations
Rune far right: Future situations
Rune bottom: Influences on the question
Rune center: Shows what influences having a positive outcome
Rune top: Most likely outcome for the question

7. Seven-Rune Layout

Runes first & second: Shows the problem
Runes third & fourth: Past influences that contribute to the present situation
Runes fifth & sixth: Shows you the guidance the runes are giving you
Runes seventh: Possible outcome; if this rune is positive & all the previous runes are positive this will be a positive result, if the rune is negative & all the previous runes are negative this will be a negative result.

8. Ve Layout

Rune top left: Past influences related to the question
Rune second from top left: Present influences related to the question
Rune third from the top left: Future actions related to the question
Rune center bottom: Action to be taken for best outcome
Rune right of center at bottom: Your feelings & emotions related to the question
Rune second from top right: Any possible problems related to the question
Rune top right: Future outcome related to the question

(extracted from How-To Read Runes, Encyclopedia,

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Introduction to Runes

Runes are an ancient Germanic alphabet. They were used throughout northern Europe, Scandinavia, the British Isles, and Iceland from about 100 B.C.E. to 1600 C.E.

Since ancient times, runes have been used for divination and magic, in addition to writing. The word "rune" actually means mystery, secret or whisper. Each rune has esoteric meanings and properties associated with it, beyond its mundane meaning and phonetic value. Each translates into a word or a phrase signifying concepts important to the early peoples who used them, representing the forces of nature and mind. Each rune has a story attached to it, a relationship to a Norse God.

Odin, the Norse High God of the Aesir, hung from the world tree, Yggdrasil, impaled on his own spear, for nine days and nights in order to gain the knowledge of runes. When the runes appeared below him, he reached down and took them up, and the runic knowledge gave him power . He later passed on this knowledge to the Vanir goddess Freya. She, in turn, taught him the magic of seidr. Heimdall, the god who guarded the Rainbow Bridge, taught the runes to mankind.

Runes are an oracle from which one seeks advice. They work best if you detail your current circumstances and then ask a specific question. Rune readings are sometimes obscure. They hint toward answers, but you have to figure out the details. Runic divination or "rune casting" is not "fortune telling" in the sense that one actually sees the future. Instead, runes give one a means of analyzing the path that one is on and a likely outcome. The future is not fixed. It changes with everything one does. If one does not like the prediction, one can always change paths.

Runic alphabets first appeared among German tribes in central and eastern Europe. Some runes symbols are likely to have been acquired from other alphabets, such as the Greek, Etruscan, and the Early Roman. The runes were made of straight lines to make the characters suitable for cutting into wood or stone. The earliest runic inscriptions on stone are dated to the late 3rd century AD, although it is probable that runic alphabets had been in use for some centuries before.

The Old Germanic Runic alphabet or "Elder Futhark" contains 24 runes. The first six runes of the alphabet spell out the word "FUTHARK".

(extracted from Introduction to Runes,

Friday, January 8, 2010

Tips on Using Your Pendulum

A pendulum can help make predictions and give answers using one of two main techniques. The first technique is to ask simple yes or no questions. The pendulum is held in one hand and allowed to dangle freely. As the questions are asked the crystal pendulum begins to swing. The way it swings predicts the answers to the questions. The other technique that can be used for predictions is by using a chart. Charts are available that display the answers based on the direction of the swing of the pendulum. The charts are a good way for beginners to learn the art of divining with the pendulum.


Example of an alphabet chart

There are unlimited uses for pendulums and many dowsing techniques and applications. Some uses of pendulum dowsing are to determine
• Compatibility between people, places and objects
• Counterfeit or authentic items
• Honesty or Fairness etc.

and choose
• Investments and stocks
• Careers
• Relationships
• Dates for special occasions etc.

The pendulum can help you find out about houses, apartments, roommates, employees, used cars, or anything you have in mind. Dowsing techniques include having a list of questions such as safety, compatibility, price, etc., or holding your pendulum over pictures of your options to help you choose the best one.

At Ornate Oriental, we provide a basic instruction sheet with each pendulum purchase to get you started on your journey. Also, if you have any questions along the way, just ask and we’d be more than happy to help!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Rainbow Moonstone Energy Orb Pendulum

Item Code: Pendulum04-RM

SGD 35.00

This listing is for ONE Rainbow Moonstone Energy Orb Pendulum. This piece is absolutely HUGE! Easily obtained but expensive, this Rainbow Moonstone orb is a glowing lunar white with flashes of blue sheen when turned in light. It has protective Black Tourmaline laced within, a naturally occurring feature common in Rainbow Moonstone. The pointed end of this piece is great for specific dowsing, and can also be used for carvings and inscriptions into soft materials like candles. Due to the weight of the fittings, the chain used for this pendulum is thicker to ensure a steady hold. It comes with a Clear Quartz holding bead.

Rainbow Moonstone responds exceptionally well to questions on relationships, emotional issues, spirit guides and past lives.

Properties of Rainbow Moonstone
Rainbow Moonstone carries the vibration of cosmic light and offers spiritual healing for the whole of humanity. Taking you on inter- and multi-dimensional journeys, it reminds you that you are part of an ongoing, ever-folding cycle and links to your overall soul as well as your current life plan.

Helping you to see the unseen, intuitively read symbols and synchronicities, and opening you to spiritual gifts, Rainbow Moonstone may leave sensitive people feeling psychically or emotionally overwhelmed, although it provides insight in appropriate circumstances.

Spiritually, Rainbow Moonstone enables you to have a foot in both worlds – physical and spiritual by being “here” and “there” at the same time with no duality in conflict and complete clarity of awareness.

This stone is powerfully attuned to the cycles and phases of the moon and may need removing at full moon.

(Information extracted from: A Crystal Bible Vol. 2, Judy Hall)

Pendulum Length: between 48-50mm (orb diameter is between 22-24mm)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Celebrating the Start of 2010 - Happy New Year!


Ornate Oriental wishes everyone a Happy New Year! May you be blessed and have a wonderful year ahead!