Sunday, October 18, 2009

Understanding Crystals and their Effects

Everyone is attracted to gemstones and their beauty. They have been used for ornamentation and as a symbol of power for thousands of years. But such crystals were valued for more than their beauty - they each had a sacred meaning. In ancient cultures, their healing properties were as important as their ability to adorn.

Crystals were created as the earth formed and they have continued to metamorphose as the planet itself has changed. They are the earth's DNA, a chemical imprint for evolution. They are miniature storehouses containing the records of the development of the earth over millions of years, and bearing the indelible memory of the powerful forces that shaped it. Their crystalline structure can absorb, conserve, focus and emit energy, especially on the electromagnetic waveband.

Crystals make excellent jewelry for both men and women. Wearing gems used to be a royal or priestly prerogative. The high priest of Judaism wore a breastplate set with precious stones. It was much more than a badge of office; it conveyed power to the wearer. As far back as the Stone Age, men and women wore crystal jewellery and talismans. They had a protective as well as decorative function, guarding their wearer from harm.

Crystals have been used for millenia to heal and bring balance, working through resonance and vibration. To gain maximum benefit from crystal healing, you need to be properly trained or be treated by someone who is well-qualified and experienced. However, you can find benefits in crystals for common ailments. They are effective remedies, especially when made into gem essences. Crystals also heal holistically - that is to say, they work on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of being. They realign subtle energies that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body and activating linkage points to the chakras that regulate the body's vibrational stasis. By bringing the chakras back to balance, many states of physical and psychological dis-ease can be ameliorated.

(information extracted from: The Crystal Bible - Volume 1, Judy Hall)